William Morris, the man who founded the Morris Motor Company, was born in 1877 in Worcester, England. He grew up in a working-class family and had to leave school at the age of 15 to help support his family. He became an apprentice at a local bicycle shop and quickly became interested in engineering.

In 1901, Morris moved to Oxford and started his own bicycle dealership. He quickly expanded his business to include motorcycles and eventually cars. In 1912, Morris designed his first car, the Morris Oxford, which was a huge success. He continued to innovate and expand his business, and in 1919, he founded the Morris Motor Company.

Morris's cars were known for their affordability and reliability, and they quickly became popular in England and around the world. In the 1920s and 1930s, Morris expanded his business by acquiring other car companies, including Wolseley and MG. By the 1950s, the Morris Motor Company was the largest car manufacturer in Britain.

Morris was not only a successful entrepreneur but also a philanthropist. He donated millions of pounds to charity and established several foundations to support education and medical research. In 1938, he was knighted by King George VI, and in 1939, he was elevated to the peerage as Baron Nuffield.

William Morris died in 1963 at the age of 85, but his legacy lived on. The Morris Motor Company merged with several other companies to form the British Motor Corporation, which later became British Leyland. Today, Morris's cars are considered classics and are highly sought after by collectors around the world.