Have you ever wondered where the name and logo of your favorite car brand come from? Well, buckle up, because today we'll take a deep dive into the history of Chery Automobile Co. Ltd., one of the biggest car manufacturers in China!

Chery is a Chinese brand that was founded in 1997, and it has quickly become a favorite among car enthusiasts all over the world. But have you ever stopped to think about how this brand got its name and logo? Well, wonder no more! We have the answers you've been looking for.

First, let's talk about the name. Chery is derived from the English word "cherry," which is a popular fruit around the world. But why did the founders of Chery choose this name? According to the company's website, the name Chery was chosen because it sounds similar to the Chinese word for "harmony," which represents the company's commitment to creating harmony between people, society, and nature.

Now, let's move on to the logo. The Chery logo is an abstract representation of a cherry fruit, with two green leaves on top. The logo was designed to convey the brand's core values of innovation, efficiency, and harmony with nature.

But the story behind the logo is even more interesting. The logo was actually designed by a team of 17 students from the Wuhan University of Technology in China, who won a competition organized by Chery in 2001. The students' design was chosen out of over 1000 entries, and it has since become one of the most recognizable car logos in the world.

So there you have it, the fascinating story of how Chery got its name and logo. From a fruit to a symbol of harmony and innovation, the Chery brand has come a long way in just a few short years. Whether you're a fan of the brand or just curious about its history, we hope you've enjoyed this journey into the world of Chery!

Car Brand